Form Group and Tutorials

All students at Sir Isaac belong to a form. You’ll find that the students in your form follow the same subjects as you and will be in some of your classes too. This means that you will build good friends and strong support networks in and out of your lessons.

Each week you will have a one-hour tutorial with your form tutor and this is a really valuable part of your education. This will be with the same teacher each week and will consist of learning about study skills, organisation, university and apprenticeship applications.  You'll also cover issues beyond school and we'll equip you with an appreciation for the communities and wider-world in which we live.

As part of form time, you will also have a regular one-to-one with your tutor giving you a chance to talk about how you are getting on, your attendance and any concerns you may have.

Tutorial Programme overview

At Sir Isaac Newton Sixth Form you will have the support of a form tutor and will have weekly tutorial lessons which follow a specialised programme. 

This programme follows three key themes and includes the following lessons:

How to be a successful student

Year 12

Year 13

Learning how to learn

What lessons have been learnt from Year 12?

How to study effectively, like an A-level student

What will you do this Christmas? Rest, family, revision

How to prepare well for - and ace - tests

Reflection on mocks - how will you fix it?

How not to forget

Preparing for final exams


 How to be a successful adult

Year 12

Year 13

What is sexual consent?

Registering to vote

Being a responsible citizen

Social responsibility

Social responsibility and recycling

Drugs education

How clean is your digital footprint?

Safer relationships

Celebrating diversity - women in science

Your digital self


Know your legal rights and access to the law


How to successfully apply for your next academic journey

Year 12

Year 13

Who am I? What do I do? Who do I want to be?

What if uni’s not for you?

Planting the seed of life after Sir Isaac

Making informed choices and meeting deadlines

Building your skills profile

Preparing for UCAS

University vs apprenticeships

Making your final choices for UCAS

What is a personal statement?

Student finance

Work and gap years


Supporting you with your university application