Financial Support

We want as many students as possible to experience the benefit of learning at Sir Isaac Newton. You may be able to access a range of funding options to help you in your studies. We encourage students (who are eligible) to apply to our bursary scheme.

The 16-19 Bursary Fund is made available from the government through its funding body, the Education Funding Agency (EFA) for 16-19-year-olds. It provides assistance to students whose access to, or completion of, education is inhibited by financial constraints or barriers. 


16 to 19 Bursary Fund 

You could get a bursary to help with education-related costs if you’re aged 16 to 19 and:

  • studying at a publicly funded school or college in England - not a university
  • on a training course, including unpaid work experience

Bursary money can be used to pay for things like:


Vibrant Purple and Modern Problem and Solution Table Graph (1)

If you believe you have exceptional circumstances that warrant financial support outside the criteria please discuss this with the Principal's PA in the first instance.


Who is eligible to apply for 16-19 bursary funding?

Students following government-funded full time or part-time courses, who are aged at least 16 and under 19 years of age at the start of the academic year (31 August) and satisfy one or more of the following criteria:

  • Students who are looked after (in care), are leaving care, are in direct receipt of Income Support (or Universal Credit) or are disabled and in receipt of both Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance (or Personal Independent Payments).
  • Students who are economically or socially disadvantaged and at risk of not taking up or continuing in their education. This group includes students with physical or other disabilities, medical conditions and/or learning difficulties and lone parents as well as those on low household incomes.

Who is not eligible for 16-19 bursary funding?

  • Students under 16 years of age or over 19 years of age at the start of the academic year (31 August).
  • Students who do not meet the residency qualifications.

How does Sir Isaac Newton Sixth Form assess applications and allocate 16-19 bursary funding?

Bursary funding must be applied for at the start of each academic year. Each bursary agreement is valid for that year only.

The sum awarded to eligible students will be subject to the number and type of applications received, and the courses undertaken.

On receipt of the award, students will be required to agree, in writing, that they will apply the funding for the intended purposes and that they understand payments are likely to be withheld or reduced should their attendance or behaviour be unsatisfactory.

Students must supply a receipt when claiming payment for an approved purchase.  Alternatively, the sixth form will arrange purchases directly on behalf of the student, subject to advance agreement on what is required.

Eligible students will be awarded a bursary as long as they are attending a full-time course lasting 30 weeks or more. The 16-19 Bursary Fund is a limited fund and the sixth form will prioritise allocation.

There are three priority groups, categorised as follows:

Priority 1

Students who fall into one of the following categories:

  • Are currently in care (as defined by Social Services).
  • Are leaving or have recently left care.
  • Are in receipt of Income Support (or Universal Credit) in their own name.
  • Are disabled and in receipt of both Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance (or Personal Independent Payments) in their own name.

Priority 2

Students who fall into the following category:

  • Have a gross annual household income of up to £16,190 (the threshold for free school meals).

Priority 3

Students who fall into the following category:

  • Have a gross annual household income of between £16,190 and £21,000.

Those in this priority category will be considered for funding subject to available funding after those in the Priority 1 and Priority 2 groups have been awarded. In some cases, awards may not be made until after 31 December. Awards may be made towards the same cost categories listed in Priority 2 above.

Exceptional circumstances

Read more about our 16 to 19 Bursary Fund in our policy below

16-to-19 Bursary Fund Policy