Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
- Ensure all members of the school community support students with SEND, ensuring that SEND students are integrated into the life of the sixth form
- Ensure all students identified as having SEND, as far as possible, have equal access to all aspects of the curriculum
- Increase the confidence of students with SEND, encouraging them to be involved in their own provision and empower them to make informed decisions about their pathways after sixth form
- As far as is practicable in terms of the layout and resources of the school, meet the special educational needs of students with physical disabilities
- Communicate with parents about all aspects of the special needs provision made for their children and seek to develop this partnership
- Meet the social and emotional wellbeing needs of our students through our pastoral support system involving tutors, our pastoral mentor and our academic mentor
- Monitor and support our particularly vulnerable students
Our SENCo is Stefan Cartledge. You can contact Stefan at:
To find out more information, please read our Special Educational Needs Information Report and Special Educational Needs Policy.
SEN Information ReportSEND Policy
For free and impartial information, advice and support about special educational needs & disabilities (SEND) for children, young people, parents and carers visit Norfolk SEND Partnership
Details of the Norfolk local offer can be found at: SEND Local Offer