Science Outreach Opportunities

Our Science Outreach Programme at Sir Isaac Newton Sixth Form is currently focused on Chemistry and Physics, and is looking to expand into Environmental Science in the 2023/24 academic year. Our programmes are currently available throughout the academic year to schools across Norfolk, and highlight various Science A Level, Career and Pathway options for students.

If you are a teacher and would like to be the first to hear about upcoming outreach opportunities, you can sign up for our mailing list via the link below.

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Recent Activity

Cobholm Primary - Sustainability in Space Exploration and Engineering Challenges

On Wednesday 8th March 2023, Dr North visited our partner school SIN East to work with Year 6 students from Cobholm Primary, looking at sustainability in space exploration and some engineering challenges. The Year 6 students explored the danger faced in space as more satellites are now launched and low-Earth orbit is filled. For a more hands-on experience, the students had to save their "eggnauts" from being scrambled on impact, using a range of designs to allows their eggs to be dropped from a second storey window.

Many designs were successful, with the Year 12 students from SIN-East helping visiting pupils bring their design to life. To conclude the day of activities, students fired some water rockets and discussed energy transfers in place, not even letting the falling snow dampen their spirits.